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Porcelain Inlay, Modern Dental Filling Techniques with CAD/CAM System
Have you ever found it annoying because you have your teeth filled but the durability was not long-lasting? Are you worried because many people say that fillings will cause sensitivity? The technique of filling teeth with porcelain Inlay will overcome these defects, but in return, this technique has a higher cost than conventional fillings.
1) The reason large fillings are not durable and can cause sensitivity:
When filling a tooth with a classic technique, the doctor uses a composite material to fill a small part of the tooth that has been prepared and cleaned. When these materials are irradiated with a photopolymerization lamp, it will shrink at a certain rate. This can cause a gap between the filling material and the tooth surface, allowing water to penetrate and cause sensitivity, or the filling to fall out after a short period of use.
The larger the size of the fillings are, the higher the risk of the filling material shrinking and opening is, causing sensitivity and loss of the filling.
Therefore, some doctors have suggested that patients should have restorations for teeth that have been decayed or broken. But the disadvantage of crowns is that the doctor has to grind a significant amount of the patient's teeth, and the patient may feel "strange" because of the new tooth in the mouth.
2) What is the technique of filling teeth with porcelain Inlay?
With the technique of filling teeth with porcelain Inlay, we can overcome these shortcomings: there is no shrinkage of the filling material, the real tooth is preserved to the maximum, creating a familiar feeling in the patient's mouth.
When using a porcelain Inlay to fill a tooth, a dental technician will "cut" a monolithic porcelain block to create a filling that resembles the patient's tooth on a computer.
3) What are the advantages of porcelain Inlay filling technique?
Thanks to the cutting from a monolithic porcelain block, the material does not shrink when "hardened" by photopolymerization like conventional filling techniques, limiting the creation of micro-interstitial gaps that cause sensitivity and loss of fillings.
Porcelain blocks, when cut to form porcelain inlays, also have hardness and abrasion equivalent to the patient's chewing force when calculated on a computer.
Porcelain inlay is cut from monolithic porcelain blocks, very high aesthetic and long lasting
When designing on a computer, technicians and doctors can also easily adjust the contact of the fillings with the opposing teeth, minimizing any “high points” on the crown. This makes the patient feel comfortable and quickly familiar with this tooth.
Porcelain inlays are meticulously designed on the computer
In addition, the pre-designed teeth on the computer will help the technician and the doctor fully actively design the tooth so that it is "optimal". Compared with the traditional filling technique, where the doctor has to directly fill and shape the tooth at the same time, this porcelain Inlay technique helps the doctor control the results better.

Lan Anh Dental Clinic, established in 1980, has been operating continuously for more than forty years so far.
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